Wide range of maintenance tasks completed on Don Valley Parkway over the weekend

April 19, 2016
Last weekend's closure of the Don Valley Parkway (DVP) enabled the City of Toronto to complete a significant amount of work in advance of the spring/summer season.
Work that was completed included: 
• 40,000 square metres of grinding and paving of the roadway • 600 metres of guiderail installed, including eight end treatments • four crash systems repaired • 410 tonnes of debris removed • 1,300 square metres of graffiti removed • more than 100 curb-kilometres of roadway flushed and swept • 500 catch basins cleaned and flushed • 665 trees pruned • 34 bridges inspected and minor repairs made where needed • 400 streetlights re-lamped • 575 signs inspected, maintained and repaired • 33 traffic control cabinets inspected and repaired • 44 culverts inspected • 14,000 metres of cracks sealed • 137,000 metres of line painting installed • 16 CCTV (closed-circuit television) cameras inspected, and • eight RESCU vehicle detectors repaired.
The City's Transportation Services, Engineering and Construction Services, Parks, Forestry & Recreation, Solid Waste Management Services and Toronto Water, along with Toronto Hydro and the Toronto Transit Commission (TTC), worked together to co-ordinate their work and operations over the weekend for the sake of efficiency and to minimize disruption. 
The City appreciated the public's understanding during the weekend closure of the DVP, which was required to keep the parkway in a safe, operable condition for the 180,000 motorists who use it on a daily basis. 
This work is part of the City's comprehensive, co-ordinated strategy to rehabilitate and upgrade Toronto's roads, transit and underground infrastructure for current and future needs.
This news release is also available on the City's website:
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Media contact: Steve Johnston, Strategic Communications, 416-392-4391, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.