New City of Toronto website allows residents to see when streets get plowed and salted

February 9, 2016                              
The City of Toronto has created a webpage that enables residents to see the location of plows, sidewalk plows and salt trucks and when their street was serviced by the City's winter operations crews.
The new webpage uses a Global Positioning System (GPS) installed on plows and salt trucks to determine when a road was serviced by using a colour coded system. If a road was serviced within the last four hours, the road will be shown with a green line. If a road was serviced within the last four to 12 hours, the road will be shown with a blue line and if serviced between 12 to 24 hours, the road will be coloured red. The webpage is available at
“Providing this type of real-time information is a positive customer service initiative that will give residents the opportunity at the click of a mouse to see when their roads were either salted or plowed by our crews," said Councillor Jaye Robinson (Ward 25 Don Valley West), Chair of the City's Public Works and Infrastructure Committee.
At this time, information on exactly when plows or salt trucks will service specific streets is not available. Varying amounts of snow received during any snow episode and potential route changes make it difficult to predict exactly when vehicles will attend to certain roads.
Some winter operations equipment including bus stop plows, hand crews and supervisory and support vehicles is not displayed on the webpage.
You can follow the City's winter operations activities through Twitter @TO_WinterOps.
More information about the City of Toronto’s snow-clearing operations is available at
This news release is also available on the City's website: 
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